Track Your Item

Reference number (UPI)*

What is a Unique Parcel Identifier (UPI)?

When you ship with us, you receive a Unique Parcel Identifier (UPI), which is essential for tracking the progress of your parcel. This reference number is provided to you via email or SMS once your package is ready for shipment.

How to Use Your UPI to Track Your Parcel

To track your parcel, please follow these simple steps:
  1. Locate Your UPI: Check your email or SMS messages for a shipment confirmation that includes your UPI. This is a unique code that typically consists of letters and numbers.
  2. Enter Your UPI in the Tracking Field: Find the tracking input box above. Enter your UPI without any spaces or additional characters.
  3. View Your Parcel’s Status: After entering your UPI, click on the “Track your delivery” button. You will be directed to a page showing the current status of your parcel and tracking event history.